History of the Clayton Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary
The organizational meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Clayton Fire Company, No. 1, Inc. was held March 13, 1959 at the Clayton Public School. Mrs. Herbert Butts, Kent County President and Mrs. Ruth Leager, President of Smyrna Fire Company Auxiliary were both present to explain the procedures of forming an auxiliary. At the meeting, Mrs. Jerri Hurlock was elected our first President. Mrs. Ethel Donaway, Mrs. Ann Dickerson, and Mrs. Julia Mast were elected to meet with Mrs. Hurlock and write our first constitution and by-laws.
By our second meeting on April 6, 1959, there were fifty-four charter members on roll. At this meeting, the various committees were appointed including a canteen committee to serve coffee and sandwiches to the firemen at fires.
Our first fund raising project was a fashion show which showed a profit of $175.85. The ladies then decided to run the concession stand at the Pony League games. Items to be sold included hot dogs, cokes, peanuts, chewing gum, potato chips, etc. We showed a profit from this project of $319.99. By this time, we had made enough money to repay the firemen the $100.00 they loaned us to help us get started. It was decided to raffle a gift at each meeting to earn money to be used as sunshine money. Our sunshine work to include sending cards to anyone sick in the community. Flowers and cards to be sent to members in case of death in the family. The next fund raising project to be a bake sale on September 12, 1959. This brought us in another $268.71. At the September meeting, it was decided we would sponsor the Kenton-Clayton Girl Scouts Troop N. 211. By this meeting, we were thinking of buying equipment for our kitchen. A committee was appointed to undertake the job of deciding what we needed and to get prices so we could give the firemen a figure. The came to $2,828.00. We also decided to have a kitchen shower to help furnish our kitchen with towels, etc. The November meeting brought us visitors from the Lions Club, who wished for us to serve them their dinner at each meeting. It was decided to serve them. The first one to be January 6, 1960. On December 26, 1959, we held our first Christmas Party with the firemen. We also donated $50.00 to the firemen to help with the Children’s Christmas Party.
As our installation of officers at the firehall on May 2, 1960, we presented our first annual cash donation to the firemen in the amount of $500.00. Since our first fund raising project, a fashion show, our auxiliary has undertaken quite a variety of fund raising projects. These include 50-50 clubs, dances, Tom Thumb Wedding, selling cookies, candy, vanilla, serving banquets, and bakes. Beginning in 1963 through 1967, we had the hot dog booth at the Smyrna-Clayton 4th of July Celebration. We served the Lions Club dinners from 1960 to 1969. After moving to the new firehall in May 1968, we were able to serve larger banquets and wedding receptions as well as serving the firemen their annual appreciation dinner. We have made cash donations to many community projects as well as presenting a floral wreath to the Community Memorial Service held each May. During fires, whenever called upon, our canteen committee furnishes sandwiches and coffee or sodas to our firemen.
In February 1973, we formed a Jr. Auxiliary. This being girls in the age group 16-18 years. These girls can attend any meeting of the auxiliary; but have no voting power. They are called upon to help the auxiliary with the various functions.
From 1959 with a membership of fifty-four, the Clayton Ladies Auxiliary has grown to seventy members and one junior member on the rolls. Of these, 35 are lifetime members. Over the last twenty-four years, we have given the firemen donations of money, equipment, tables, chairs, and our support. We have also given them a bronze plaque mounted on the front of the firehall to remember our loved ones that have gone on before us. The Clayton Ladies Auxiliary is always ready to help and serve our firemen whenever we are needed.
The first meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Clayton Fire Company, No. 1, Inc. was held on Friday, March 13th, at the Clayton Public School. Mrs. Herbert Butts, Kent County President, explained the procedures for forming an auxiliary. Mrs. Ruth Leager, President of the Smyrna Auxiliary and Mrs. Connie Morris were there also, with many suggestions. It was decided at that time to hold an election of officers for the coming year. Results were as follows:
President – Jerri Hurlock
Vice President – Julia Mast
Recording Secretary – Barbara Bilbrough
Assistant Secretary – Susan Massey
Financial Secretary – Sarita Reed
Treasurer – Pat Wilson
Assistant Treasurer – Ruth Bowers
Mrs. Ethel Donaway, Mrs. Ann Dickerson, and Mrs. Julia Mast were elected to the By-Laws committee. These Ladies are to meet with Mrs. Hurlock to write the Constitution and By-Laws. It was decided to hold the monthly meetings of our Ladies Auxiliary the first Monday of each month at 8:00 pm. Two members of our local fire company were present at the meeting, President Robert Berghorn and Chief J. George Knotts. We had fifty-four charter members on roll. We held our first Christmas party with the firemen. We also donated $50.00 to the firemen to help with the children’s Christmas Party.
The new officers installed were:
President – Jerri Hurlock
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Frances Ziegler
Assistant Secretary – Susan Massey
Treasurer – Nancy Scotton
Financial Secretary – Sarita Reed
Assistant Financial Secretary – Nora Smith
Auditor – Peg Carson
At our installation of officers at the fire hall on May 2nd, we presented our first annual cash donation to the firemen in the amount of $500.00. We started many fund raising projects such as dances, Tom Thumb Weddings, selling cookies, candy, vanilla, serving banquets and bakes. Beginning in 1963 through 1967, we had the hot dog booth at the Smyrna-Clayton 4th of July Celebration. We served the Lions Club dinners from 1960 through 1969.
Election of officers were:
President – Virginia Griffin
Vice President – Betty Hurd
Secretary – Susan Massey
Assistant Secretary – Doris Dunning
Treasurer – Mildred Simmons
Assistant Treasurer – Nancy Scotton
Financial Secretary – Ruth Bowers
Assistant Financial Secretary – Mary Ann Wharton
Volunteers were asked for help with the firemen on, “Open House”, sometime this year as it is their 17th Anniversary. Volunteers were: Mrs. Ennis, Mary Boggs, and Patsy Wilson. The dance this time would be April 22nd, and it is to be semi-formal. The installation will be held at Winbro’s in Little Creek. Nancy Scotton is to arrange for dinner menu.
Election of officers were:
President – Julia Mast
Vice President – Pat Wilson
Secretary – Susan Massey
Assistant Secretary – Doris Dunning
Treasurer – Jerri Hurlock
Assistant Treasurer – Nancy Lee Scotton
Financial Secretary – Ruth Bowers
Virginia Griffin gave a report of $112.35 profit from Shoppers Day with $7.32 from Sarah Coventry Jewelry and $410.00 from children’s games still outstanding. The fire company asked for a donation of $5.00 for a radio for the Rescue Truck. This motion was carried. There was a discussion regarding purchasing lumber for building shelves in the store room. A motion was made by Pat Wilson, seconded by Cora Conner, we would have shelves built if it did not cost over $25.00. Motion was carried.
Election of officers were:
President – Julia Mast
Vice President – Virginia Griffin
Secretary – Susan Massey
Assistant Secretary – Doris Dunning
Treasurer – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Treasurer – Veronica Wilhoit
Financial Secretary – Ruth Bowers
The Sick and Sunshine Chairman reported sending eleven Get-Well cards and one sympathy card. The Canteen Committee reported they served sandwiches and cakes to about twenty firemen following a fire. A motion was made by Jerri Hurlock and seconded by Mrs. Ennis to have the piano tuned and repaired for $20.00.
Election of officers were:
President – Virginia Griffin
Vice President – Cora Conner
Secretary – Susan Massey
Assistant Secretary – Doris Dunning
Treasurer – Veronica Wilhoit
Assistant Treasurer – Nancy Scotton
Financial Secretary – Ruth Bowers
Following a discussion on the By-Laws, a motion was made by Nora Smith and seconded by Cora Conner that the By-Laws be changed to read that members must attend at least three meetings to be eligible to nominate and to vote.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Cora Conner
Secretary – Susan Massey
Assistant Secretary – Doris Dunning
Treasurer – Mrs. Ennis
Assistant Treasurer – Mrs. Carson
Financial Secretary – Clarinda Marryat
Mrs. Ennis reported that a Chairman for the 4th of July celebration was needed or there would be no celebration.
Election of officers were:
President – Cora Conner
Vice President – Virginia Griffin
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Margaret Burris
Treasurer – Jean Dulin
Assistant Treasurer – Mrs. Carson
Financial Secretary – Clarinda Marryat
A motion was made by Clarinda Marryat and seconded by Virginia Griffin that we donate $25.00 for the 4th of July Celebration and we would have the hot dog booth again this year. Cora Conner suggested a drawing of names for Secret Pal to cover birthday, anniversary, and Christmas, maximum price to be $3.00. This motion was carried.
Election of officers were:
President – Ann Albia
Vice President – Margaret Burris
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Nora Smith
Treasurer – Jean Dulin
Assistant Treasurer – Mrs. Carson
Financial Secretary – Clarinda Marryat
Fire at Daniel’s house on March 6th, girls made sandwiches and coffee and sent them out to the firemen. We also fed Townsend Fire Company that came to Clayton to stand by in case we had another call. On the bill for the canteen there were cigarettes and we did not feel we should pay for the cigarettes. A motion was made on this and carried not to pay for them.
Election of officers were:
President – Ann Albia
Vice President – Margaret Burris
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Nora Smith
Treasurer – Jean Dulin
Assistant Treasurer – Virginia Griffin
Financial Secretary – Clarinda Marryat
Mrs. Ennis brought a sample apron and pattern to show the girls as a suggestion for each girl in the dinning room to wear. Edna Daisey made a motion that the auxiliary pay for the material and Margaret Burris to make them. Cora Conner seconded the motion.
Election of officers were:
President – Ann Albia
Vice President – Edna Daisey
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Reba Davis
Treasurer – Jean Dulin
Assistant Treasurer – Virginia Griffin
Financial Secretary – Clarinda Marryat
Ann Albia announced functions to keep in mind. In March, Wildlife Game Dinner, Lions Dinner, and Jaycees Buffet and dance. April, Lions Dinner, Dance, Kent County Firemen’s meeting and dinner. May, Smyrna Bowling Banquet, Installation Lions dinner, Dance, Smyrna Rotary Dinner, and Republicans Dinner.
v Election of officers were:
President – Edna Daisey
Vice President – Sally Ann Moore
Secretary – Joann Coverdale
Assistant Secretary – Julia Mast
Treasurer – Helen Conner
Assistant Treasurer – Jean Dulin
Financial Secretary – Clarinda Marryat
The installation dinner will be at the Coral Reef. Members to bring gift for secret pal and reveal their names. The President discussed uniforms to wear at parades. Vote was eleven for uniforms and six against. A Committee was appointed to find out more about the uniforms. The following members are on the Committee: Jean Dulin, Virginia Griffin, Ann Albia, Barbara Hurlock, and Nancy Scotton.
Election of officers were:
President – Edna Daisey
Vice President – Sally Ann Moore
Secretary – Reba Davis
Assistant Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Treasurer – Helen Conner
Assistant Treasurer – Jean Dulin
Financial Secretary – Julia Mast
There will be a Pathmark dinner and dance on April 24th. The menu is fruit cup, roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, string beans, cole slaw, rolls and butter with coffee and pie for dessert. One hundred and ten persons guaranteed. Nancy Scotton is in charge of the dinner.
The By-Laws state if there are two or more candidates for an office, the election shall be by ballot. The candidate receiving the most votes takes the office and the next highest is elected assistant.
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Sally Ann Moore
Secretary – Julia Mast
Assistant Secretary – Pat Warren
Treasurer – Reba Davis
Assistant Treasurer – Helen Conner
Financial Secretary – Nora Smith
The installation will be held at the Coral Reef, members bring secret pal gift and each to pay for their own dinner. On April 8th, members that are eligible will go on a trip to New York. Pathmark dinner and dance will be April 15th, Smyrna Band Booster Dinner will be April 22nd, and the V.F.W. 25th Anniversary Dinner and dance will be April 29th.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Sally Ann Moore
Secretary – Julia Mast
Assistant Secretary – Pat Warren
Treasurer – Reba Davis
Assistant Treasurer – Helen Conner
Financial Secretary – Nora Smith
In February, we formed a Junior Auxiliary. This being girls in the age group between sixteen and eighteen years of age. These girls can attend any meetings of the auxiliary, but have no voting power. They are called upon to help the auxiliary with the various functions. Dinners in March are: Wagner Wedding, Boy Scouts, and Smyrna High School. Dinners for April are: V.F.W., Kent County Firemen, and Wildlife. Virginia Griffin and Betty Hurd have the dinning room.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Joann Coverdale
Secretary – Julia Mast
Assistant Secretary – Pat Warren
Treasurer – Reba Davis
Assistant Treasurer – Helen Conner
Financial Secretary – Nora Smith
Canteen was served at a fire at Elton’s Florist. Helen Conner invited all members to the Dedication and Open House at the V.F.W. on April 12th from 2 to 5 pm.
Election of officers were:
President – Julia Mast
Vice President – Reba Davis
Secretary – Georgia Davis
Assistant Secretary – Paulena O’Neal
Treasurer – Manetta Carrow
Assistant Treasurer – Janet Horn
Financial Secretary – Nora Smith
A motion was made by Virginia Griffin and seconded by Clarinda Marryat to give $10.00 to “Operation Christmas”. A motion was made by M. Knotts and seconded by E. Daisey to give $25.00 to Stokley. Our Christmas party will be cooked and served by Hartly, and music by Society Child. One guest per member.
Election of officers were:
President – Julia Mast
Vice President – Elizabeth Moffitt
Secretary – Janet Horn
Assistant Secretary – Pat Warren
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Helen Conner
Financial Secretary – Nora Smith
Janet Horn made a motion to give $25.00 to Stokley and $10.00 to “Operation Christmas”, seconded by Elizabeth Moffitt. Peg Carson made a motion to give the men $1,500.00 for Christmas, seconded by Clarinda Marryat. Also voted the men a vacuum cleaner and a card file.
Election of officers were:
President – Julia Mast
Vice President – Elizabeth Moffitt
Secretary – Janet Horn
Assistant Secretary – Sue Burke
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Frances Pryor
Financial Secretary – Helen Conner
Again this year, donations of $25.00 to Stokley and $10.00 to “Operation Christmas”. Also $1,500.00 donated to the men.
Election of officers were:
President – Mary Ellen DeBenedictis
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Janet Horn
Assistant Secretary – Clarinda Marryat
Treasurer – Lisa Horn
Assistant Treasurer – Sue Ellen Burke
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
Vice President Mast has contacted Virginia Dolley and engaged her to service and clean up after our Christmas party on December 16th. we will prepare the meal. Vice President Mast urged all to please remember secret pal with cards and gifts, at least on birthday, anniversary, and Christmas. Secret pal exchange is strictly voluntary, if you are apt to be forgetful or not interested please do not participate next year.
Election of officers were:
President – Sadie Voshell
Vice President – Janet Cubbage
Secretary – Janet Horn
Assistant Secretary – Nora Smith
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Georgia Davis
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
A donation of $25.00 to Stokley and $10.00 to “Operation Christmas”. Peg Carson made a motion that we give the men $2,500.00 this year, this was seconded.
Election of officers were:
President – Janet Cubbage
Vice President – Manetta Carrow
Secretary – Sadie Voshell
Assistant Secretary – Georgia Davis
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Elizabeth Moffitt
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
Due to the fact that “Operation Christmas” has been discontinued, Julia Mast made a motion that we raise our donation to Stokley to $35.00. Motion was carried. A motion was made to give the fire company $170.00 towards new decorations for the fire hall. A motion was made by Manetta Carrow and seconded by Janet Cubbage to give the fire company $1,500.00 this year.
Election of officers were:
President – Janet Cubbage
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Manetta Carrow
Assistant Secretary – Georgia Davis
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
On Friday, December 18th, we will be serving Cheswold’s Christmas party, ours will be December 19th. Bill Henshaw will be here for a Christmas decoration demonstration. A motion was made by Pat Wilson and seconded by Nora Smith to give the men $3,000.00 this year.
Election of officers were:
President – Janet Cubbage
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Georgia Davis
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
Pat Wilson made a motion that we change the Christmas party on December 13th to go out for dinner and exchange our small gifts, secret pal, and to have a normal meeting on December 6th. This being a Dutch treat. It was decided to go to the Thomas England House. This motion was carried. We will serve roast beef sandwiches to the Fire Chief’s on December 1st. On December 17th, we will serve Cheswold’s Christmas party. Pat Wilson reported she had lots of fruit cakes and logs to sell. Janet Cubbage suggested to give fruit cakes to the shut ins. We decided to do this.
Election of officers were:
President – Janet Cubbage
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Laurie Wilson
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Pat Wilson
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
For the Ladie’s Christmas party, it will be held at the Gold Key. Everyone to bring $5.00 exchange gift. A question was asked to what to give the men for Christmas. Julia Mast made a motion to give the men $3,000.00, which was seconded by Pat Wilson. So carried.
Future functions are; December 10th Campbell Soup, December 13th University of Delaware Luncheon, December 16th Cheswold’s Christmas party, December 17th Clayton’s Christmas party, and December 31st New Year’s Eve social. Fire company to sponsor cocktails and D.J. Couple plus one couple free to members.
Election of officers were:
President – Julia Mast
Vice President – Pat Wilson
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Laurie Wilson
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Manetta Carrow
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
We can not have Mr. Henshaw for a Christmas show as he had a heart attack. We decided to give the Entertainment Committee money towards the Christmas party in the amount of $1,000.00. It was also decided to give the men for Christmas $3,000.00. On the Sick and Sunshine, we gave a fruit basket to Susan Hoffecker. The Bingo dinner will be November 10th at Kitty Night House.
Election of officers were:
President – Julia Mast
Vice President – Pat Wilson
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Laurie Wilson
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Manetta Carrow
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
The ladies gave $500.00 towards the Christmas party. Pat Wilson made a motion to give the men for Christmas this year $4,000.00, which was seconded by Mary Louise Conley. Motion was carried. There will be a hayride and Christmas party for member’s children on December 22nd.
The 1986 State Convention will be held in Clayton. The luncheon and meeting for the women will be held at the V.F.W. and it will be catered.
Election of officers were:
President – Julia Mast
Vice President – Pat Wilson
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Betsy Ely
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Manetta Carrow
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
The Governor has signed a bill into law on the pension plan. Manetta Carrow to collect money and set up special account for this. The Bingo dinner will be at the Boondocks this year.
Julia Mast stated that we need new skirts for head tables. We also need new steam pan for sterno cookers. Manetta Carrow made the motion to buy these and Clarinda Marryat seconded it. Motion carried. Our Fire Prevention Queen contest will be September 15th. Mary Louise Conley is in charge of this.
Election of officers were:
President – Julia Mast
Vice President – Pat Wilson
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Betsy Ely
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Manetta Carrow
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
Julia Mast reported that Pat Warren died on October 31st and she had no insurance. A motion was made by Nora Smith and seconded by Mary Louise Conley to give $100.00 to the family toward expenses. Motion carried. It was decided to go to the Wayside Inn for the ladies Christmas party. Each person to bring an $8.00 gift to exchange. This year a motion by Nora Smith to give to the men $700.00 toward the Christmas party and $4,000.00 for the men. Mary Louise Conley seconded the motion and it was carried.
Election of officers were:
President – Pat Wilson
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Betsy Ely
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
Ladies Christmas party this year will be at the Iron Gate. The Auxiliary will be paying for dinner only, no drinks. This year we gave the men $1,000.00 towards the Christmas party and $5,000.00 for their Christmas present. Julia Mast has asked for a Liaison Committee meeting with the men to iron out any problems, especially the public dinner. Manetta Carrow made mention that next April would be our 30th year as an Auxiliary. We should be thinking about what we want to do to celebrate.
Election of officers were:
President – Pat Wilson
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Betsy Ely
Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Assistant Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
We will be celebrating our 30 year anniversary this year. A committee was formed to come up with some ideas to celebrate. In 1989 our pension plan was created. Seven girls are collecting pension. Eight girls are still eligible for plan. For our 30 year celebration we had a dinner, inviting active men and guest, auxiliary members and guest, Past Presidents, Town Council, and Auxiliary Presidents from neighboring companies. We will have it catered by Earl’s Mini Mart. We had one hundred-sixty people attending, a very nice affair. We purchased a new storage building for $1,545.00. We gave the men flower horns for parades. The men gave us a new freezer for the kitchen this year. The Auxiliary gave $500.00 towards a fund set up for South Carolina fire companies destroyed after hurricane Hugo. We gave two fruit baskets and a gift for two elderly persons in our community. We gave men $1,000.00 for Christmas Party and $9,000.00 for a gift.
Election of officers were:
President – Pat Wilson
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Betsy Ely
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Marie Faulkner
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
This year we paid $3,500.00 for remodeling the kitchen. We ordered a new gas stove and a cart for the mixer. We got rid of the electric stove. Cost of stove was $1,875.00 and the mixer cart was $438.00. We have eight girls on the pension plan now. We had a covered dish dinner with the men on February 17th. everyone to bring a covered dish. New aprons were ordered with everyone paying for half of the cost, $6.00 each. We had a craft show. Proceeds were $256.95 from bake table, $209.66 from lunch, with a total of $466.61. We purchased new white dishes for head table. We had a cake booth on July 4th and made $184.25. We had a craft show on November 3rd and made $623.56 from the bake table and craft show. The men had a new truck housing for which we gave them two junction boxes costing $100.00 each. We ordered a new stainless steel table for the slicer costing $101.00, from Metal Masters. We gave the men $1,000.00 toward the Christmas party and $8,000.00 for a gift. The ladies bought the poinsettias for the tables.
Election of officers were:
President – Julia Mast
Vice President – Bertha Hudson
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Valerie Mahlbacher
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Clarinda Marryat
Financial Secretary – Peg Carson
This year is the 100th Anniversary for the men. It was decided to give men $8,000.00 to pay for new floor in dining room. On March 16th, we had a soup and cake sale to benefit the Fire Police. We made $242.80. For the 100th Anniversary everyone will get a numbered anniversary book with a plastic cover. We had a craft show and bake table on March 23rd. We made $435.10 from the bake table and $291.45 from the kitchen. We helped with food for the 100th Anniversary. We made between seventy-five and one hundred box lunches before the parade and helped serve hot dogs and sodas after the parade. We gave the 4th of July Committee a $25.00 donation. We had a cake booth again this year. It was decided to buy an ice machine for $1,325.00 plus $200.00 for installation from Metal Masters. Julia Mast went in as County President. We gave her a brief case and a china doll to set in a small rocker she has.
We gave men $1,000.00 for the Christmas party and $5,000.00 as a gift. We also paid for the poinsettias for the tables.
Election of officers were:
President – Julia Mast
Vice President – Bertha Hudson
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Valerie Mahlbacher
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Sally Locke
Financial Secretary – Linda Lightcap
This year we had a breakfast, bake sale, and yard sale on April 11th. We made $321.25 on the bake and yard sale, and $280.00 on the breakfast. We had a bake sale and craft show on April 4th. We made $355.25 on the bake sale, $222.15 from the lunch for a total of $577.40. We had a cake booth at the July 4th celebration again this year and made $381.50. A bill was passed about funeral expenses for volunteer fire company and auxiliary members. If you have been an active member for ten years at the time of death, you will receive a check for $2,000.00 which will be paid directly to the funeral home. We had a craft show and bake sale on November 21st. We made $287.20 from the bake sale, $319.85 from the lunch for a total of $607.05. We did an adopt-a-family this year. We helped a family within our own company.
This year, we gave the men $2,500.00 for an intercom system for one truck, $5,000.00 as a Christmas gift, and $1,000.00 towards the Christmas party.
Election of officers were:
President – Valerie Mahlbacher
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Bertha Hudson
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Sally Locke
Financial Secretary – Linda Lightcap
This year found thirteen girls eligible for the pension. We held a craft show on April 3rd. We made $433.01 from the kitchen, $374.95 from the bake sale for a total of $807.96. Five girls attended the Del-Mar-Va Convention this year. We received a direct telephone line to the kitchen this year. No 800 numbers or long distance calls can be made on it. We donated $25.00 to the 4th of July Committee. We bought a camera for the historian to take pictures of our events for history book. We bought a three piece wicker set for the ladies room. Since Julia Mast will be going out as County President, we gave her a black onyx ring as a gift. We had a cake wheel at the Autumn in Duck Creek. We made $130.00. The public dinner was October 2nd. Three hundred and forty-one people ate in the dining room, one hundred and seventy-seven take outs, and twenty children. We made $2,074.85. On November 20th, we had a craft show and bake sale. We made $371.50 from the bake sale, $402.61 from the kitchen for a total of $774.11.
We bought active lifetime members pins. We gave another intercom system for one of the trucks to the men costing $2,500.00. We also gave them $5,000.00 for a Christmas gift and $1,000.00 for the Christmas party as well as flowers for the tables. We did an adopt-a-family again this year. We helped three families.
Election of officers were:
President – Valerie Mahlbacher
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Nancy Scotton
Assistant Secretary – Bertha Hudson
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Sally Locke
Financial Secretary – Pat Wilson
This year we have fifteen members on the pension. This year we will be thirty-five years old. It was decided to have a covered dish dinner with the men and families on April 30th. On March 23rd we had a craft show. We made $318.10 from the kitchen and $386.20 from the bake table for a total of $704.30. On March 5th we had a public dinner. We served three hundred-forty-seven adults, forty-one children, and had one hundred-thirty-five take outs. We cleared $1,697.57. At our 35th Anniversary Dinner, it was decided to give the men $100.00 per year for our thirty-five years of existence totaling $3,500.00 which was a surprise to them. The men gave us a plaque and resolution for our anniversary. It was decided that the auxiliary would take over the task of choosing the queens for the fire company. The men will help with the expenses. We also hosted the Kent County Queens in the fire hall. We had a cake wheel again this year on July 4th. We cleared $248.45. We gave $25.00 to the 4th of July Committee. We gave the men $10,000.00 toward a new brush truck. We did an adopt-a-family this year. We also had a craft show on November 12th. We made $358.17 from the kitchen and $475.10 from the bake table for a total of $833.27. We had a penny party on November 17th and made $220.90.
For Christmas we gave the men $2,000.00, a gift certificate for a new banner, and $1,000.00 toward the Christmas party.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Louise Hudson
Assistant Secretary – Bertha Hudson
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Manetta Carrow
Financial Secretary – Pat Wilson
This year we have fifteen members on the pension. On March 4th we had a public dinner. We served three hundred-forty-nine adults, thirty-six children, and had one hundred-forty-seven take outs. We collected $4,232.00. We also had a craft show on April 8th . We cleared $820.83.
We bought five, four inch gravy pans, two stools, and new clock for the kitchen. During the Spring Flea Market, we served lunch and had tables clearing $264.74. On June 19th, we sold food at a farm sale and made $575.70. On June 27th we hosted the Queens contest. On July 4th, we had a cake booth and made $304.60, and the during the Smyrna-Clayton Heritage auction we made $435.10. A committee was formed to get prices on remodeling the kitchen. To re-face the cabinets and drawers would cost $5,334.92, which was a price given by Ken Clendaniel. We had a bake sale on October 7th and a craft show on November 18th. We gave the men a check for $1,450.00. We did the adopt-a-family this year and a Thanksgiving box for the needy. This year we gave the men $6,000.00 for Christmas to purchase a Hurst tool, $2,000.00 toward the party, and another $2,000.00 for a total of $10,000.00.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Louise Hudson
Assistant Secretary – Phyllis Chase
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Peggy Ivory
Financial Secretary – Pat Wilson
March 4th was the Smyrna-Clayton Heritage auction and we made $741.60. March 9th was the Public Bake and Yard sale and we made $1,500.00. March 23rd we made $1,352.36 from the craft show. April 16th we held a penny party and made $193.45. We have thirty-seven life members now. Auxiliary will purchase a lift member pin for active members only. After a discussion, it was decided to purchase a new dishwasher and to use $1,000.00 given to the ladies by the men as partial payment. The Auxiliary paid $200.00 each for Nancy Scotton and Pat Wilson to attend the Fire Safety Dinner in Washington D.C. on April 30th. Metal Masters made us a stainless steel top for the table in the center of the kitchen and donated it. Ten members are eligible to attend the 25 year dinner at Cheswold. Auxiliary to pay $15.00 per member. If you are bringing a guest, you have to pay for them. We made a $25.00 donation to the 4th of July Committee. We had a cake wheel on July 4th and cleared $394.50. In August we made $545.77 on the Smyrna-Clayton Heritage auction. On October 6th, we hosted the Delmarva Queens contest and parade. We prepared food, and wrapped hot dogs for after the parade. Served two hundred-fifty people at the school and one hundred-fifty at the fire hall. October 12th was the bake sale and we made $1,350.00. On October 28th we made $618.74 from the Smyrna-Clayton Heritage auction. We made $1,207.89 from the craft show on November 9th. We had photo identification cards made. We gave the men new hose for the trucks amounting to $5,000.00. We did two Thanksgiving boxes this year. We are working on doing cut outs of the firehouse. We gave the men $18,000.00 for the year. Julia Mast was nominated for Delmarva Ladies Auxiliary Honor Roll.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Julia Mast
Secretary – Louise Hudson
Assistant Secretary – Phyllis Chase
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Peggy Ivory
Financial Secretary – Pat Wilson
January – We purchased two small tables to use for serving purposes and replaced the table cloths and skirts. February – We had a bake sale and cleared $1,400.00. June – We cleared $475.80 from the auction sale and $743.70 from the Smyrna-Clayton Heritage auction. October – We had a Fall bake sale. We gave the men $1,600.00 from this function.
November – We had a craft show and cleared $1,532.01. We prepared two Thanksgiving boxes for needy families.
We gave the men $5,623.00 from rentals and bake sales, $1,000.00 toward the Christmas party, and $15,000.00 as a Christmas gift, for a total of $21,623.00.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Phyllis Chase
Secretary – Lois Lamborn
Assistant Secretary – Shiela Scotton
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Peggy Ivory
Financial Secretary – Manetta Carrow
We went to a show at the Rainbow Dinner Theater in Pennsylvania on April 26th with thirty-five in attendance. On April 18th, we sold lunch and rented yard sale table. We made $551.30 on the yard sale and $1,242.94 from the bake sale. We gave the men $1,250.00. We again had a cake wheel on the 4th of July and made $251.75. During the Smyrna-Clayton Heritage auction we made $600.00. We sold Mrs. Comegys’ books and made $1,060.00. We did the Thanksgiving boxes and Christmas gifts for the needy families. We had a bake sale and made $1,292.59, and gave the men $1,300.00. We gave the men $25,000.00 as a gift this year.
Election of officers were:
President – Pat Wilson
Vice President – Phyllis Chase
Secretary – Helen Gregory
Assistant Secretary – Shiela Scotton
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Peggy Ivory
Financial Secretary – Manetta Carrow
We went to see a show on April 11th at the Dutch Apple Theater. Fund raiser for the County this year is a throw cover for $40.00 each. Fund raiser for the State is an ornament for $17.50.
March 20th will be our 40th Anniversary. The men will give us a party including a covered dish and entertainment. Earl’s Mini Mart catered. Twenty-five members will be attending the 25 year dinner at Cheswold and the Auxiliary paid for each one. We sold food at the yard sale making $240.00. Julia Mast was installed as Chaplain of the Delmarva Ladies Auxiliary Association. The convention was at Denton, Maryland. We ordered new aprons at $11.00 each. Each member paid half. We gave the men $1,350.00 from the October bake sale. Julia Mast was installed as 2nd Vice President of the D.V.F.A. Ladies Auxiliary. We gave her $200.00 to help with expenses.
This year we gave $100.00 each to two families for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The families to come from the Clayton Elementary School.
Election of officers were:
President – Pat Wilson
Vice President – Nancy Scotton
Secretary – Helen Gregory
Assistant Secretary – Jeanette Hurlock
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer –
Financial Secretary – Manetta Carrow
We received our new china plates from the men in December 1999. We bought a tape recorder for the Secretary. We will be selling old dishes and silverware at the yard sale on April 29th. We will be buying a new dishwasher for $982.30. We made $1,886.50 on a food sale.
We donated $35.00 to the 4th of July Association. We had the Smyrna-Clayton Heritage auction and made $1,056.00. Julia Mast will be installed as President of the D.V.F.A. Ladies Auxiliary in 2001. Jim Cubbage will be going in as President of the D.V.F.A. in 2001. We gave Jim a cross pen set as a gift. We gave the men $20,000.00 to buy land across the street as a Christmas gift.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Pat Wilson
Secretary – Louise Hudson
Assistant Secretary – Jeanette Hurlock
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Peggy Ivory
Financial Secretary – Manetta Carrow
Pension – Peggy Ivory
We purchased a bag for the President to carry documents to meetings. The meetings were changed from 7:30 pm to 7:00 pm. We donated the old dishwasher to Jim Carsons church, St. Peters. They are to give us a donation. Pat Wilson made a motion to purchase a dry erase board for the firehouse functions. Forty-seven went to Three Little Bakers to see a show. Eleven girls are eligible to attend the 25 year dinner at Cheswold. We made $1,483.00 on a bake sale.
We took a trip to Lancaster to see a show and eat dinner at Hershey Farm Restaurant. We ordered fifty napkin baskets to be sold as a fund raiser. They sell for $25.00 for the basket, and $15.00 for the lid. We made $218.00 on a basket bingo. We took over the craft show this year to be held on November 17th. $601.00 was turned in from sale of baskets. We cleared $2,265.62 from the craft show and bake sale. We made $42.00 on the throws, and $88.00 on the 60/40 tickets. We ordered seventy-five more baskets. We gave the men $1,000.00 toward the Christmas party and $11,000.00 to be put toward the mortgage on the Masten property.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Pat Wilson
Secretary – Louise Hudson
Assistant Secretary – Phyllis Chase
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Peggy Ivory
Financial Secretary – Cheryl Hurlock
At this time, we have made $1,461.00 from basket sales. We have sixty-nine baskets left. We sold four more baskets with sixty-five left now. Cheryl Hurlock received fifteen year lifetime pin.
We made $289.00 from selling refreshments at the basket bingo. We cleared $1,421.09 from the bake sale. We gave the men $1,425.00. We cleared $1,064.26 from the Smyrna-Clayton Heritage auction, and $88.00 from selling food at the basket bingo. On September 24th we hosted the Kent County Ladies meeting. We sold 50/50 tickets and gave door prize tickets out.
On September 28th we had a bake sale and yard sale. We cleared $1,484.15 and gave the men $1,500.00. A defibulator was installed in the kitchen. During the October meeting it was decided to sell baskets remaining for $26.00 each. We were asked by the D.V.F.A. Ladies Auxiliary to donate $50.00 for a 50/50 raffle to raise money. The money collected would be divided half for the State Auxiliary and half divided into thirds for each County. On November 17th we held a craft show. The kitchen made $483.45, the bake sale made $1691.60, and we cleared a total of $2,641.46. We gave the men $1,000.00 toward the Christmas party and a $25,000.00 gift.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Pat Wilson
Secretary – Phyllis Chase
Assistant Secretary – Louise Hudson
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Georgia Davis
Financial Secretary – Cheryl Hurlock
Bake sale held on April 22nd cleared $1,500.00. We bought two new folding carts for the kitchen at a food show in Ocean City. We sponsored a burn bear for $29.95 for burn victims. Fourteen attended the 25 year dinner at Cheswold. Bake sale at yard sale cleared $247.00 plus $40.00 from table rentals totaling $287.00. Some of the ladies helped clean house across street to get ready to rent. We decided not to have a Fall bake sale anymore. We got a new ice machine and changing tables in the restrooms. Our craft show cleared $2,356.08. We donated $100.00 for an adopt-a-family shoes. We gave the men $10,000.00 as a gift and $1,000.00 toward the Christmas party.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Pat Wilson
Secretary – Phyllis Chase
Assistant Secretary – Louise Hudson
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Georgia Davis
Financial Secretary – Cheryl Hurlock
During our Spring bake sale, we made $1,316.16 and gave the men $1,300.00. Sally Locke received lifetime pin. Yard sale lunch cleared $368.93. We bought a new freezer for the kitchen. They remodeled the dinning room this year. The ladies decided not to rent our kitchen out for fund raisers. We bought containers to hold table skirts. The hood over the stove was replaced because old hood is out dated. We also bought a new ice tea pot for kitchen. Our tax credit for active members has increased to $400.00, and funeral expenses is now $7,000.00 for active and lifetime members. We attended another show at Three Little Bakers. We gave the men $10,000.00 as a gift and $1,000.00 toward the Christmas party. The $10,000.00 was for the new hood over the stove.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Pat Wilson
Secretary – Phyllis Chase
Assistant Secretary – Louise Hudson
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Georgia Davis
Financial Secretary – Cheryl Hurlock
Pension – Peggy Ivory
We gave $700.00 to Georgia Davis to help pay for room while Jack was in the hospital. The men had a teen dance and split the proceeds between Ed Goggin and Jack Davis. The firehouse is now smoke free. We had a kitchen shower to replace towels, dish cloths, and pot holders. We will have the County Ladies meeting here in March. The craft show was in November and we made $1,589.25 plus $910.00 from table rentals. We held a bake sale during the yard sale and cleared $1,040.39. On June 6th we will have CPR and AED training for the ladies. We helped feed the band from England at the Smyrna fire hall. We will receive a $400.00 tax credit for active members. We held a bakeless bake sale on November 19th and cleared $260.00. We decided on a uniform: black aprons, black pants, and white top. Members will pay half for the aprons. The public dinner cleared $1,738.00 and we split it with the men. We gave the men $1,000.00 toward the Christmas party, flowers for the tables, and a $12,000.00 gift.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Pat Wilson
Secretary – Phyllis Chase
Assistant Secretary – Louise Hudson
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Georgia Davis
Financial Secretary – Cheryl Hurlock
Pension – Peggy Ivory
Our aprons come in. They are $70.00. It was decided to go half with men on larger storage building. We will pay $5,000.00 and the men will pay $5,000.00. Total cost is $10,000.00. Robert Lightcap visited us telling about renovating the hall. It will cost $66,030.00 plus $600.00 more for the fans. It was decided that the ladies would pay for new floor totaling $11,900.00.
Seventeen round tables were ordered plus three six foot tables. We ended up with twenty round tables. The public dinner profit was $1,652.00. We gave $830.00 to the men. We are now having a joint installation with the men after their meeting in December. We will buy the flowers for the tables, and give $1,000.00 toward the Christmas party along with a $5,000.00 gift. We have already given the men $16,000.00.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Pat Wilson
Secretary – Phyllis Chase
Assistant Secretary – Georgia Davis
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Tammy Faulkner
Financial Secretary – Cheryl Hurlock
Pension – Peggy Ivory
We had pictures taken on January 20th separately and a group picture. We wore our uniforms. We went on a bus trip to Lancaster and ate at the Shady Maple Restaurant. We are looking for a new refrigerator for the kitchen. We bought a regular refrigerator for the kitchen for small items. Our new large refrigerator came in. We gave the old one to the dumpling lady for her church. It was decided to buy Nancy Scotton an answering machine. The public dinner cleared $1,763.50 and we gave the men $881.25. We placed an ad for renting the hall in the telephone book. The yard sale breakfast made $481.27. We donated drinks and rice krispie treats for the Safe Summer Day. We donated $200.00 worth of phone cards to the troops over seas. We served a canteen to the men on August 13th during a large fire. We ordered fifty serving tray baskets to sell. We gave the men three animal masks for fire prevention. We gave fruit baskets for shut ins. We gave men $15,000.00 toward an exterior electric sign.
Election of officers were:
President – Nancy Scotton
Vice President – Georgia Davis
Secretary – Tammy Faulkner
Assistant Secretary – Kim Pridemore
Treasurer – Mary Kelley
Assistant Treasurer – Sharon Staats
Financial Secretary – Cheryl Hurlock
Pension – Peggy Ivory
We decided to save our Christmas gift for two years and go see the Rocketts in New York. Fifty-eight people attended. Peggy Ivory and Faye Wooten received their lifetime membership.
On March 8th we held a back sale. We took orders over the phone and it didn’t go very well. Will be first come first serve from now on. Cleared $1,978.00, we gave $989.00 to the men. We will be selling a cook book. Each member to submit four recepies. Sold books for $10.00 each.
Nancy Scotton was chosen as Kent County Ladies Auxiliary member of the year for 2008.
We will have County Ladies meeting on May 27th. It will be the memorial service. We will be involved with the Safe Summer Day. We donated $20.00 toward drinks and we decided to make matchbooks with fire safety rules. We made two thousand. Way too many, didn’t go well. This was a big project. We served canteen to men during a large house fire on April 6th. We donated $75.00 toward Toy for Tots football game for refreshments to sell. We gave the men $19,000.00 and $1,000.00 toward Christmas party. Money given to fire company from 1993 to 2008
1993 - $8,500.00
1994 - $10,000.00 toward brush truck, $3,000.00 gift, and paid for parade banner.
1995 - $6,000.00 toward Hurst tool and $4,000.00 gift.
1996 - $18,000.00
1997 - $21,623.00
1998 - $25,000.00 and $2,550.00 from bake sales.
1999 - $1,350.00 from bake sale.
2000 - $20,000.00
2001 - $11,000.00, and $1,000.00 toward Christmas party.
2002 - $25,000.00, $1,000.00 toward Christmas party, and $2,925.00 from bake sales.
2003 - $10,000.00 and $1,000.00 toward Christmas party.
2004 - $10,000.00, $1,000.00 toward Christmas party, $10,000.00, and $870.00 from public dinner.
2005 - $12,000.00, $1,000.00 toward Christmas party, and flowers for the tables.
2006 - $16,000.00, $1,000.00 toward Christmas party, flowers for the tables, and $5,000.00.
2007 - $15,000.00 for marquis, $881.25 from public dinner, and $210.00 for fire prevention costumes.
2008 - $19,000.00, $1,000.00 toward Christmas party, $989.00, and $75.00 for Toys for Tots.