For the second day this week the company is welcoming another new member to the fire company family with the birth of Cole William Rife son of Firefighter Ken Rife and his girlfriend Nicole Westergren. Cole was born on May 23rd at 10:23am entering the world at 5Lb 10oz and was 19″ long. Cole was welcomed into the family by big sisters Mackenzie and Makayla. Cole and mommy are doing well. The officers and members would like to welcome Cole into the family and congratulate the Rife family.
Nature: Structure Fire - Residential (Multiple)
Location: Middletown
119 East Lockwood St
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Structure Fire - Residential (Multiple)
Location: Middletown
119 East Lockwood St
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Structure Fire - Residential (Multiple)
Location: Middletown
119 East Lockwood St
City: , DE 00000