Tuesday evening at 7:52pm the station along with Ambulance 64, KM6, KM5 and Trooper 4 were dispatched for the auto accident with a vehicle overturned with injuries Deer Antler Rd. Rescue 45 w/7, Deputy Chief Robert Davis, Engine 45-4 w/6, Assistant Chief Robbie Johnson and Brush 45 w/5, Captain Ray Johnson quickly made the response. Units arrived to find a single vehicle overturned with the 3 occupants outside the vehicle. Fire crews went to work securing the vehicle while EMS crews began patient care. one subject was transported to the ER with minor injuries. Deputy Chief Davis had the Deer Antler Road Command. Clayton had 41 members respond on the call. Units responding Rescue 45, Engine 45-4, Brush 45, A&B 64, B-43, KM6, KM5, Trooper 4, Sta 45 Fire Police, DSP. Photo’s courtesy Mike Carroll.
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency