Saturday night just before midnight at 11:55pm Engine 45 and Ladder & Engine 44 were dispatched as part of the first alarm to assist Station 26 for a reported Lighthouse on fire at Collins Beach Rd and Thoroughfare Neck Rd. Engine 45-3 w/5, Deputy Chief Robert Davis made the response. Responding units were advised that a Department of Natural Resources unit was on scene reporting the vacant lighthouse for Collins Beach involved and collapsing. Engine 26 arrived and reported the structure had collapsed and quickly reduced the assignment to Station 26 units as Ladder 44 and Engine 45 were arriving. Station 26 units remained on scene to extinguish the remainder of the structure and stand by for the fire Marshals Office. The structure that was in the Cedar Swamp Wildlife Area along the Delaware Bay was known to locals as the Old Collins Beach Lighthouse and was reported by DNREC as a old wooden water tower was approximately 50' high and was totally destroyed. Units responding E-26, 45-3, 44-3, Ladder 44, Tanker 26, Rescue 26, Tanker 24, FM-29, DNREC. Photo's courtesy Delaware Department of Natural Resource's Facebook and Kurtz Aerial Photography.
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency