Friday evening at 7:15pm Station 45, Ambulance 64, KM6, KM5 and Trooper 4 were dispatched for the auto accident with a subject reported ejected in the 1800 block of Sunnyside Rd. Command 45 w/Assistant Chief John Pridemore arrived to find a single vehicle into a tree. Rescue 45 w/6, Past Chief Jeff Lightcap arrived behind EMS units and handled a door pop for the operator of the vehicle while EMS units from 64 & KM6 began patient care on the two patients. Engine 45-4 w/5, Lt. Craig Snyder and Brush 45 w/3 Firefighter DJ Correll arrived and assisted units on scene. Both patients were transported to KGH by B-64 and B-43. Assistant Chief Pridemore had the Sunnyside Road Command. Clayton had 28 members respond on the call. Units responding Command 45, Rescue 45, Engine 45-4, Brush 45, B-64, B-43, KM6,KM5, Trooper 4, Sta 45 Fire Police. Photo's courtesy Mike Carroll, Joe Jones and Jerry Hull Sta 45.
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency