During the July Company meeting President Faulkner and Chief Davis named Firefighter Amber Johnson as Member of the Month for June 2017. During the month of June Amber attended the following; 17 out of 27 alarms, 2 misc. events, 1 uniformed event and the company meeting for a total of 23 points. Amber has accumulated 141 total points for the point year 2017. The company would like to congratulate Amber on her award.
Nature: Withheld
Location: Massey
12035 Galena Rd
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Withheld
Location: Massey
12035 Galena Rd
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Withheld
Location: Massey
12035 Galena Rd
City: , DE 00000