Onm the first and third Mondays of each month the Clayton Fire Company conducts training in the many areas of the fire and rescue service. " First Asst. Chief Jeff Lightcap stated we must be ready for any type of event from a natural disaster to a terrorist event and everything in between" . On this past Monday evening the members reviewed all of the tools the company uses for vehicle rescue. The members were given an overview of the tools and their various uses, the 30 members were then broken down into groups and were put through hands on stations. The groups consisted of four stations. One group using the various hydraulic tools the company carries, one using the various cribbing tools carried, and one using the various rescue jacks used to stablize vehicles at crash scens. The fourth group consisted of members who had not attended the vehicle class at the Delaware State Fire School who worked with an officer in a more hands on situation. Captain Austin Moorhead lead the training and stated" This might not seem all that fun, but getting some hands on training when we do not use this equipment all of hte time is priceless and saves time at crash scenes".
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency