On Saturday March 24th the company conducted part two of vehicle rescue training, part one was hosted on Monday March 18th. Part two consisted of hands on training that started with a scenario conducted in one of the companies parking lots. An actual response was conducted by the company consisting of a command vehicle, rescue, engine, and a brush truck. The scenario was conducted as an actual event with a simulated dispatch center staffed by members of the department. Once the scenario was completed and the injured transported the members then took turns using the various rescue tools to get experience with them. During the training the company ran two actual calls, so it was a busy morning for the members. During a hot wash of the event the members were treated to Lunch. Training Officer and Deputy Chief Alex Carrow stated" It is important to get members the hands on training they need, we run a limited number of motor vehicle accidents so the more they get hands on training the better it makes them for a true response". Deputy Chief Carrow went on to say with thiry members attending the training on a Saturday morning after running 40 responses the prior week show the dedication and commitment of our members.
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency