Thursday morning at 9:03am the station was dispatched along with Ladder 46 and EMS units to assist Station 44 on a residential structure fire in the 100 block of W. South St in Smyrna. Responding units were advised the caller was reporting the neighbors house on fire. Quint 45 w/4, Chief Wes Davis arrived to find the crew from 44-2 with a line stretched with fire on the second floor. The crew from Quint 45 began throwing ladders and were assigned to the roof for vertical ventilation. Engine 45-3 w/7, Deputy Chief Alex Carrow and their crew was assigned to the primary search, placed a second line in service and began opening up for the engine company. Searches came up negative and fire damage was confined to a room on the second floor with smoke damage on the second floor and attic. Ladder 46-2 and Engine 46-4 were canceled while enroute. Engine 43-2 was later called into the scene for additional manpower. Past Chief Curtis Heath had the command until the arrival on Chief Francis Hartnett (44-15). No injuries were reported. The Delaware State Fire Marshals Office is investigating. Kent Maryland Engine 2 (Millington) covered station 45 during the alarm. units responding; Engines 44-2, 44-3, 45-3, 43-2, 46-4, Quint 45, Ladder 46-2, Rescue 44, B-64, KM6, Sta 44 & 45 Fire Police, FM12 (Bullock), Town of Smyrna Electric. Photo's courtesy Jerry Hull and Joe Jones.
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency