Friday morning at 08:21 the statuion along with Ambulance 64, KM6B, KM5 and Trooper 4 were alerted for the MVC with a vehicle reported overturned. Rescue 45 w/7, Captain Jonathan Burnett and Engine 45-3 w/4, Firefighter Josh Klingler arrived to find EMS on scene of a 2 vehicle accident with one vehicle overturned. Crews secured both vehicles and cleared debri off the roadway. Both operators refused treatment or transport. Captain Burnett had the Clayton Command. Units responding; Rescue 45, Engine 45-3, B-64, KM6B, KM5, Trooper 4, Sta 45 Fire Police, DSP. Photo's courtesy Gene Shaner and Jerry Hull.
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency