During the regular monthly meeting President Faulkner and Chief Davis named Past President Ken Virdin Jr as Member of the Month for September 2018. During the month of September Past President Virdin attended the folowing; 6 out of 33 alarms, 1 misc event, 4 inservice drills and the company meeting for a total of 17 points for the month and 81 points for the year 2018. Past President Virdin has also been very active assisting on updating the companies By-Laws, assisting as Assist Secretary and monthly produces the point report on all memebrs of the company. The company would like to congratulate Past President Virdin on his award. Picture Courtesy Gene Shaner.
Nature: Withheld
Location: Massey
12035 Galena Rd
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Withheld
Location: Massey
12035 Galena Rd
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Withheld
Location: Massey
12035 Galena Rd
City: , DE 00000