Friday afternoon at 2:39pm the station was alerted for the brush and engine to assist Station 51 Hartly on a corn field on fire at 2340 Sudlersville Road just west of Kenton. Brush 45 w/Assistant Chief Joe Jones and Engine 45-3 w/Captain Austin Moorhead made the response and arrived to find Hartly units with fire in a corn field. The brush went to work with Hartlys brush truck to work on cutting the fire off while the crew from the engine assisted with mopping up the fire behind the brush trucks. The fire was quickly brought under control. Both pieces were back in quarters in about 90 minutes. Assistant Chief James Reed from Hartly had the command. Units responding; Brush 51-9, Brush 45, Engines 51-2, 45-3, Tanker 51, B-51, KM6. Photo's courtesy Kevin Wilson.
Nature: Withheld
Location: Clayton
1734 Alley Mill Rd
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Withheld
Location: Station 3K - Galena
90 East Cross St
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Medical Emergency