
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Saturday evening at 11:39pm the station along with Ambulance 64, KM6, KM5 and Trooper 4 were disptched for the auto accident with a vehicle overturned at 2291 Sunnyside Road.  Responding units were advised the operator was out of the vehicle with unknown injuries.  Command 45 w/Assistant Chief Jeff Lightcap and EMS units arrived together and started patient care.  Rescue 45 w/5, Captain Austin Moorhead, Engine 45-3 w/5, Assistant Chief Joe Jones and EMS45 w/4, FF Josh Klinger arrived behind the first units the crew from the rescue and engine secured the vehicle.  The operator was transported by ground BLS to KGH.  Assistant Chief Lightcap had the Clayton Command.  Photo's courtesy Joe Jones and Mike Carroll.  Units responding;  Commnad 45, Rescue 45, Engine 45-3, EMS 45, B-64, D-64, KM6, Trooper 4, Sta 45 Fire Police.

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