Saturday evening at 6:39pm the station along with Ambulance 64, KM6, KM5 and Trooper 4 were dispatch for the auto accident with subject reported trapped on Alley Corner Road south on Millington Road. Command 45 with Chief Alex Carrow arrived along with EMS units to find a head-on two vehicle accident with one operator trapped. The EMS units began patient care. Rescue 45 w/6, Lt. Brian Hunter, Engine 45-3, w/5, Past Chief Kevin Wilson and EMS 45 w/2, Deputy Chief John Pridemore arrived behind the chief and their crews went to work stabilizing the vehicle, stretched a handline and began extrication. Extrication was completed in just over 6 minutes. Both operators were tansported o Bay Health - Kent for treatment. Photo's courtesy Mike Carroll and Kevin Wilson. Units responding; Command 45, Rescue 45, Engine 45-3, EMS 45, D-63, B-53 (both units covering Amb 64's first due), KM6, Sta 45 Fire Police.
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Gas Leak (Natural and LP Gases)
Location: Middletown
520 Lake Seymour Dr
City: , DE 00000