Thursday afternoon at 12:48 the station was dispatched for the engine and ladder to assist Sta 4 & 24 Odessa on the residental structure fire at E Old Squam Rd. Quint 45 w/3, Assist Chief Joe Jones and Engine 45-2 w/5, Past Chief Rodney Whalen arrived to find MOT units with several lines in service on a large 2 story single family dwelling with heavy fire through the roof on both the garage and the house. Tower 4 and Quint 45 both placed their ladder pipes in service to knock down the bulk of the fire. Engine 45-2 supplied Quint 45. Both units were on scene for about 2 hours. Odessa Chief Rich Trincia had the Command. Hartly Engine 51-3 cover our district until units returned from the call. Pictures courtesy jake Lucas, Joe Jones and Jonathan Burnett.
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Gas Leak (Natural and LP Gases)
Location: Middletown
520 Lake Seymour Dr
City: , DE 00000