Funeral services for Life Member P Memphis Evans will be Thursday 5/28 at station 44 in the Engine Room. Viewing 9am-11am S ervice will start at 11am buried at Odd Fellows in north street. This will be a full firemen funeral and Benny Smith with be directing the funeral. Full uniform and badge covers required and Mask required by all.
Tbe members of the Clayton Fire Company offer our condolances to the Citizens Hose Company of Smyrna on the loss of Life Member Memphis Evans. Memphis joined the Citizens Hose Company in the Early 70's and was the first Africian American member of the company. Memphis served as a board member an was also a member of the Town of Smyrna Council. Memphis never met a stranger, and became a fixture in the fire service around Kent County, Memohis was retired from the Smyrna School District, he will leave a hole in the lives of the citizens he touched.
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency