
Thursday, August 20, 2020

August 19, 2020

            After careful considerations the officers have decided to forego fire prevention for 2020.  This includes the Annual Open House, school visits, and the poster and essay contest.   This is being done after careful considerations of the following items:

  • The uncertainty of being able to get in a visit the schools or them coming here to the station. 
  • With all that teachers having other things to worry about is it right to push the posters and essay’s on them?
  • If current restrictions stay in place two things would happen. First, We would be limited into the number of people who could attend the open house and the second, majority (more the normal) of it would have to be held outdoors which we would have rely heavily on the weather.
  • If we do hold the open house, how do we go about control entry into the event? How do we ensure the safety of each person who attends and most importantly our members?
  • Lastly, would holding an open house right now set the example we should to the public? Currently we can’t hold events like normal in the hall without limitations.  We felt that right now wouldn’t be the best time to hold the event.

So, where do we go from here?  We feel this presents a unique opportunity to still provide a fire prevention experience but doing so virtual.  Our thought is to do the following:

  • Hold a “Virtual Field Trip” of the station with members staged a different areas to give “tours or information of the station”
  • Pre-record 3-4 5 minute videos on different topics about fire prevention and fire safety. 
  • These videos can be share across many platforms and reach more individuals then we can with the open house.

We, will be looking for help as we move into the next month for membership to assist with these videos.  If you have interest or have ideas please let me know.  Thanks again for all everyone is doing and keep up the great work.


Chief Carrow

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