Each year one of the fire schools conducted by the company is our ropes and knots class. This class is usually taught by Past Chief Wes Davis and 2021 was not different. Most of us tie knots one a year at this class. We review some basic knots that we can use in the fire service for tying off tools, ladders, or other exciting and fun things. As you can see by the pictures the class was well attended and it is a class many memebrs look forward to each year. Past CHief Skip Carrow stated "this is a lot like ladders keep throwing them until you run out of windows or tie knots until you run out of rope" The old rope joke tie a knot tie alot.
Nature: Withheld
Location: Clayton
1734 Alley Mill Rd
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Withheld
Location: Station 3K - Galena
90 East Cross St
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Medical Emergency