Tuesday afternoon at 1:18pm Station 45 and Ladder Co. 44 were dispatched for the Multi Residental Structure Fire at 204 Preston Drive in the Village of Wheatleys Pond Townhouses. Command 45 w/Asst Chief Austin Moorhead arrived in 3 minutes and reported a 3 story end of the row townhouse with a fire at the rear of the structure. He was follwed closesly by Engine 45 w/4, Firefighter Jonathan Burnett, Ladder 44 w/5, Quint 45 w/4, Firefighter Dave Ross and Engine 44-3. Engine 45 established a water supply and stretched the handline while Ladder 44 handled the searches and threw ground ladders. Quint 45 opened up for the engine company while Engine 44-3 picked up engine 45's hydrant. Damaged was confined to the rear deck area of the house. The fire is being investigated by the Delaware State Fire Marshals Office. Crews were on scene for about 60 minutes before clearing. Assistant Chief Moorhead had the Command. Photo's courtesy Austin Moorhead. Units responding; Command 45, Engine 45, 44-3, Quint 45, Ladder 44, FM-13 (Schad), Sta 45 & 44 Fire Police
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency