We're not sure if it is something in the water or the baby stork has made a perminate residence in Clayton but we are excited to once again announce the birth of another baby into the Clayton Fire Co. Family with the birth of Bowen Harrison Carrow. Bowen is the first child of Past Chief Alex and Firefighter Ashley Carrow. Bowen entered this world on Thursday September 9, 2021 at 12:21pm. Bowen weighted in at 8Lbs and was 20 inches long. Bowen and his mom are doing great and will be welcomed home by his furry sisters Ella and Keeva. The officers and members of the company would like to welcome Bowen into the Clayton Family and congratulate Alex and Ashley on the birth of their son.
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Gas Leak (Natural and LP Gases)
Location: Middletown
520 Lake Seymour Dr
City: , DE 00000