Clayton Fire Company No.1, Inc.Media ReleaseThursday March 10, 2022Clayton , DE – Funeral Services for Fire Chief John M. Pridemore who was killed in the line of duty on March 8, 2022.When: Tuesday March 15, 2022Location Clayton Fire Station 300 East Street Clayton, DE 19938Times: Visitation 1000 – 1200 HoursServices 1200 HoursFuneral Services for Fire Chief John M. Pridemore, who was killed in the Line of Duty, will be held on Tuesday March 15, 2022 in the William R. "Ace" Carrow Memorial Hall at the Clayton Fire Co. 300 East St. in Clayton De. 19938.This will be a full firefigthers funeral with no grave side services.Fire Departments wishing to attend are asked to please make contact with the PIO listed below for parking arrangements. There will be no filming during the service and at this time no family access. Access to fire department members can be arraigned.Media Release by Kevin L. Wilson
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Gas Leak (Natural and LP Gases)
Location: Middletown
520 Lake Seymour Dr
City: , DE 00000