
Monday, July 1, 2019

Monday evening at 9:56 the station along with Ambulance 64, KM6, KM5 and Trooper 4 were dispatched for the MVC with an ejection in the 2200 Block of Alley Corner Road.  Command 45 w/Captain Jonathan Burnett and Chief Carrow arrived together to find a single vehicle off the roadway with the sole occupant ejected from the vehicle.  They were follwed closely by EMS units from Ambulance 64 and KM6 along with Rescue 45 w/6, Captain Austin Moorhead, Engine 45-3 w/5 Assistant Chief Joe Jones and Brush 45.  Fire crews assisted in patient care, secured the vehicle and searched to make sure no other occupants were ejected.  The patient was airlifted by Trooper 4 to CER.  Captain Burnett had the Command.  Photo's courtesy of Joe Jones.  Units responding; Command 45, Rescue 45, Engine 45-3, Brush 45, B-64, A-64, KM6, KM5, Trooper 4, Sta 45 Fire Police, DSP, CPD

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