When asked what were the most memorable events in his career Chief Cubbage listed two events; the first was the Massy Moore Farm barn Fire on July 20, 1969. This was memorable because it was the said night that Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon. The other was September 11, 2001. On that horrific day our nation was attacked by terrorists with the loss of 343 of our brothers in the FDNY. When this occurred the Delaware Fireman’s Conference was going on. Several of the events schedule for the conference were cancelled. Chief Cubbage was also the current President of the DVFA during those days.
During his time away from the firehouse Chief Cubbage likes to play golf, travel, and his passion of cheering on his beloved Philadelphia Eagles. He is a member and judge with the Shamrocks Judges Association. He is also a certified KCBS BBQ judge. Chief Cubbage is a member and Past Worshipful Master of the Harmony Lodge #13 A.F. & A.M. and belongs to several Masonic organizations. He is retired from his position as NIMS/IMT Coordinator for DEMA in Smyrna. Chief Cubbage is married to his wife Nancy where they live in Smyrna with their two cats.
Past Chief and Past President James L. Cubbage Jr. joined the company on Jan 12, 1965. Following his father James L. Cubbage Sr. into the fire service. He was a graduate of John Bassett Moore High School in Smyrna. He also graduated from Wilmington College in 1987 with a BS degree in Criminal Justice. Chief Cubbage not only made the fire service a part of his volunteer life but also his professional career serving the citizens of Delaware as a Deputy State Fire Marshal. He rose to the rank of Assistant State Fire Marshal-Chief of Investigations. He retired after 30 years in that post in 2002.
During his career he has received many awards including; Fireman of the Year 1967, his Life Membership in the company in 1981, Kent County Fireman of the Year in 2008, 4 Hurst Rescue Tool Green Cross Awards, he is a member of the Delaware & Del-Mar-Va Fireman’s Associations Hall of Fame. In 2010 Chief Cubbage was named Chief Emeritus of the company becoming only the 4th member to receive that title.
During his career he has held the following offices within the company; Fire Chief 1973-74, Deputy Chief 1972, 1st Asst. Chief 1977, 2nd Asst. Chief 1971, Captain 1969-1970, Lieutenant 1967-68, Safety Officer 1995,2002, Fire Recorder 1975, President 1981-84, Vice President 1991, Secretary 1968-70, 1977-80, Treasurer 1971, 2015-202020, Director 1972-74, 1978. On the state level Chief Cubbage served in many capacities in the DVFA. He led the state’s fire service as its president in 2000-2001 and severed as the DVFA Executive Secretary retiring in 2010.