On saturday December 18th the company and ladies auxiliary held their Annual Appreciation Banquet to thank the membership for their support and service during the past year. The night began with dinner, then ourt program where we awarded a few awards to our members followed by a video recap of the 2020-2021 year. The night finished with a dance. Along with our membership and the ladies auxiliary quests included our mutual aid companies, local elected officals and special guests. A special thank you to the banquet committee for putting everything together, our bartenders for the evening from Delaware City FC and to our standby crews from the Harlty Vol. Fire Co. and the Harrington Fire Co. photo's by Gene Shaner.
Nature: Withheld
Location: Clayton
1734 Alley Mill Rd
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Withheld
Location: Station 3K - Galena
90 East Cross St
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Medical Emergency