During the April Company Meeting President Cheryl Hurlock and Deputy Chief Jeff Hurlock taking into consideration the events of early March named the entire membership of the company as Member of the Month for March 2022. Here are a few highlights that the membership attended during the month of March.
64 different members responded to at least one or more of the 28 Alarms during the month of March for a total of 338 responses made by our members
Our members attaended 17 Fund Raiser events during the month.
Our members attended 127 Misc events during the month.
31 members attended at least one of the 3 In-Service Training Classes held during the month of March for a total of 47 Classes
135 members attended one or more of the 3 Uniformed Events during the month of March for a total of 373 attendee's
65 Members attended the Company meeting in March
Total Points awarded to the membership during the month of March was 1,042 points.
The leadership of the company would once again like to thank the membership for their tireless dedication to the department and the community..
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency
Nature: Medical Emergency