During the JUne 2022 company meeting Chairman Leslie Pope announced the winner of this years LInda Lightcap Scholarship for the Clayton Fire Company. The scholship is named after Linda Lightcap who was a member of the ladies auxiliary and strong supportor of the fire company who passed away unexpectedly. This years winner is Rebecca King sister of Junior Firefighter Reaghan KIng. Rebecca who recently graduated from Smyrna HIgh School will be attending Vassar College in Poughkeepsie New York where she will be majoring in Drama. Rebecca is the daughter of Jim and Kate King. The Officers and Members of the Clayton Fire Company would like to congratulate Rebecca on her award.
Nature: Withheld
Location: Smyrna
2899 Brenford Rd
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Withheld
Location: Smyrna
2899 Brenford Rd
City: , DE 00000
Nature: Withheld
Location: Smyrna
2899 Brenford Rd
City: , DE 00000