
Saturday, September 10, 2022

Saturday afternoon at 12:44 the station along with Rescue 26 and EMS assets were dispoatched to an MVC with a subject reported trapped in the 700 blk of Clayton Delaney Rd. Command 45 w/ Captain Getty arrived with EMS units to find a pickup truck off the roadway into a wodded area with the driver trapped.  The EMS crews began patient care.  Rescue 45 w/4, Asst. chief Moorhead and Squad 45 w/4, Past Chief Hurlock arrived behind the chief and went to work on the extrication of the driver.  The driver was extricated in about 10 minutes and turned over to Trooper 4 for transport to the Christiana Hospital in Wilmington.  Rescue 26 was placed in service prior to arrival.  Captain Getty had the Clayton Command.  Units responding; Command 45, Rescue 45, Squad 45, Rescue 26, Squad 26, A-64, D-64, KM6, Trooper 4, Sta 45 Fire Police.  Photo's courtesy Joe Jones and Amber Moorhead. 

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